This is an overview of the research projects in SET:
Current projects:
- GPU Accelerated Probabilistic Model Checking of Information and Communication Systems (GAP), Dutch Science Foundation (NWO Open Competition), 2023-2027
- A new era of room acoustics simulation software: from academic advances to a sustainable open-source project and community, Dutch Science Foundation (NWO TTW), 2022–2026
- Integration of Data-drIven and model-based enGIneering in fuTure industriAL Technology With value chaIn optimizatioN (DIGITAL TWIN), NWO TTW Perspective programme, 2019–2024
- verified Construction of corrEct and Optimised Parallel Software (ChEOPS), NWO TTW Open Technology programme, 2019–2024
- Building community of LGBTIQ+ ICT researchers, joint application with Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Han La Poutre, Rineke Verbrugge, Eugenio Cantatore. Funded by 4TU Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Funding, 2022–2023
Past projects:
- Many-Core Acceleration of State Space Construction and Analysis (MAS), Amazon Research Award, 2022-2023
- ArrowHead Tools, Horizon 2020 ECSEL JU, 2019–2022
- GPU Enabled Accelerated Reasoning about System designs (GEARS), NWO TOP c2, 2017–2021
- i-CAVE, NWO TTW Perspective programme, 2015–2021
- Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments (EMC2), Artemis, 2015–2017